The local children have been very excited at having the NHD dentist visit. With an oversized toothbrush the message to brush teeth morning and night and all around was emphatically shown. Bright smiles are much more fun and keeping shiny white teeth keeps a bright smile. Healthy foods to make teeth and gums stronger generated a lot of interest. Healthy lunches and break snacks were presented, while Sticky sweets and lollies were discouraged.
Each child had a great experience to recount about their own mouth or family members. The lucky children at C& K Mossman kindy and Port Explorers have each received a special take home dental health pack.
The special pack was provided with a new toothbrush, toothpaste, stickers, colouring in picture, notes for mum and / or Dad and a list of websites with helpful information about childrens’ dental growth and development. Of note was the Child Dental Benefits Scheme where at New Horizons Dental it enables providing free dental treatment for eligible children. Bright smiles are happening all around town after this exciting educational visit.