Comprehensive General Dental Care and After Hours Emergency available at New Horizons Dental.

Our dental surgeon takes an holistic approach to dentistry, combining traditional dental practices with nutritional support and herbal medicines to promote good oral health. We believe in educating our patients on how to prevent dental diseases to lower the cost of their care needs.
At New Horizons Dental, we not only treat the issue, we help to ensure it doesn’t reoccur in the future. Book online or call us now to arrange a time that suits you.
We offer a number of relaxation and sedation options to keep you as comfortable as possible during your treatment.
Relaxation Methods: Our staff are comfortable working with anxious patients, using a number of effective relaxation methods—such as breathing techniques and ensuring you’re fully aware of the steps we’ll take—to make you feel at ease with your visit.
Happy Gas: Also known as laughing gas or nitrous, the odourless gas is inhaled through a mask, creating a calming sensation in the patient. The recovery time is short and you should be able to drive and carry on with your day following the procedure.
Oral Sedation: Patients who experience anxiety, gagging or require extensive dental work may be offered oral sedation. This comes in the form of a small pill which, depending on the required dosage, will make you drowsy or put you in a sleep-like state.
General Anaesthesia: For more complex procedures where you’re required to be unconscious, general anaesthesia can be administered.
General Dentistry
Our dental surgeon uses a holistic approach to your oral health care, helping to maintain your teeth and gums. We can provide you with the general and cosmetic dental services you need, while providing advice and education on preventing the problem from occurring again.
Our services include:
- White ceramic based fillings
- Orthodontics & growth guidance
- Comprehensive gum treatment
- Full & partial dentures
- Tooth-wear management
We can also help with:
Tooth Decay Detection: Using a laser decay detection device, we can locate even the smallest holes in your teeth, allowing us to easily provide a filling. Early detection also helps to maintain the strength of your tooth.
Temporomandibular Joint Correction: This problem can cause headaches, neck pain and back aches. We can help ease discomfort by relaxing the jaw muscle with a dental bite splint.
Saliva Testing: Less saliva can lead to higher risk of decay. This is a prominent issue for professional athletes and people who are exposed to hot weather for prolonged amounts of time. We perform this essential test prior to any major crown and bridge work.
Cosmetic Dentistry
Having your teeth and gums restored at our Port Douglas dental surgery will help you to maintain your oral health and smile confidently. We work with patients of all ages seeking undetectable, natural-looking options for replacing missing teeth.
Smile assessments are done to evaluate the whole smile can help you identify where improvements may be made, including soft tissue profiles, gums, and lips.
Adult orthodontics is easier than ever with clear braces and/or aligners.
Jaw function assessments can show if your jaw muscles or TMJ joint issues are related to headaches you maybe experiencing!
Book an appointment today to discuss your options.
Tooth Whitening
At New Horizons Dental, we use tooth-coloured, non-mercury fillings to help restore teeth with cavities. There are many types of white fillings, some of which contain plastic based monomers that have been shown to adversely effect some people.
New Horizons Dental uses an ormocer, which is the most biocompatible material for direct filling we have encountered and does not contain plastic monomers. As well as completing fillings, we offer knowledge of maintaining good oral health and what you can do to help prevent the need for treatment in the future.
The whitening procedures use particular brands we have found to be most effective. Following that, we advise special gels which to coat teeth that stabilize the result.
There are range of techniques designed to suit everyone’s needs, so call in today to learn which whitening approach is best for you.
Tooth Coloured Restorations
At New Horizons Dental, we use tooth-coloured non-mercury fillings to help restore teeth with cavities. There are many types of white fillings, some of which contain plastic based monomers that have been shown to adversely effect some people.
New Horizons Dental uses an ormocer, which is the most biocompatible material for direct filling we have encountered and does no contain plastic monomers. As well as completing fillings, we offer knowledge of maintaining good oral health and what you can do to help prevent the need for treatment in the future.
Children’s Dentistry
It’s important to introduce good oral hygiene practices as early as possible. We bulk bill applicable treatments for children who are eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS), which is generally available between the ages of 2 and 17.
We can also provide Orthodontic growth assessment for children if problems are evident.
Simple steps, such as ensuring they can breathe through the nose easily, assists in balanced jaw growth and reduces chances of orthodontic problems.
Muscle training appliances, like a mouthguard, can assist in balanced jaw muscle function which then guides the teeth into a better positon. Specific exercises can also assist jaw muscle development and speech.
There are many modern techniques to help provide straight teeth and balanced jaw function which gives a great smile. The starting point for that is a thorough diagnosis, seeing a practitioner with experience and knowledge to use special x-ray techniques and measurements, such as cephalometric assessment and other functional indices and then develop a treatment plan for the different stages of growth and development.
For general dental treatment, our minimal and invasive dental techniques make dental treatment much easier.
Children can actually enjoy visiting the dentist!
Periodontal Treatment
Serious general health problems such as diabetes, cardiovascular heart disease, some cancers and premature death have been linked to the gum inflammation: Periodontitis (deeper more severe form of gum inflammation).
For those over 60 years of age, more than 50% of the population has this disease present. For those younger the incidence is known to be roughly 20%.
For the mild form of gingivitis, the earlier stage of the gum inflammation at all ages has been found and at least 80% of the population has this inflammation present.
We can detect this at the early stage and implement preventive and protective measures to keep gums healthy.
Once periodontitis is present then a careful assessment helps determine the causes of the problem and then a comprehensive management plan is discussed.
Nutritional medicine has some solutions to assist, including specific oral probiotics, gels for the gums and once gum health is stabilised, if the bone has been damaged around the teeth , it is now possible to provide grafting solutions to improve bone and gum support for teeth.
While we can help treat periodontal disease, we’d rather prevent it from occurring in the first place. We can assist you with a comprehensive program to help improve your gum health, therefore boosting your immune system and reducing the risk of other health issues.
If you already have signs of gingivitis or periodontitis, we’ll treat to restore your gums to a healthy condition.
At this stage a thorough assessment of growth and imbalances in the structure of your teeth, the function of the jaws, muscles effecting the teeth and the way you bite can be done.
If imbalances are noted then a range of growth guidance techniques can help to prevent or minimise crowding, cross bite, tooth grinding, speech problems, clicking jaw joint, inability to close the lips together and more.
For adults there are range of esthetic, orthodontic treatments available.
The key step is a detailed assessment and discussion of possible treatments and which one best suits your lifestyle.
Crowded teeth can be difficult to clean effectively and more at risk of decay and gum problems. Straight teeth that are easier to maintain can help avoid decay and gum problems.
For some, headaches can be due to misalignment of the jaw joints and the teeth positions causing uneven bite pressures on the jaw muscles when they move the jaw joint. This imbalanced jaw muscle action causes muscle tension that spreads along the neck, head, and back muscles creating other symptoms in the head, neck and back region. There are many symptoms that have been traced back to uneven bites, jaw joints and jaw muscle functions.
For symptom relief sometimes a simple bite splint is all that is needed. It is a clear plastic platform, like a mouth guard without sides, that sits between the teeth and is designed as a special orthotic for your jaws to balance your muscle function and reduce symptoms.
Replacing missing teeth is important for preserving remaining teeth. We can create:
Partial Dentures: For 1 or more missing teeth.
Complete Dentures: To replace a full mouth of missing teeth.
Our dentures are made to fit the contours of your mouth, ensuring comfort and a natural-looking smile.
A great advance in providing a more secure and stable denture is called an overdenture, where 2 or more dental implants are placed for the denture to lock onto. The mini dental implants made of titanium can be placed with local anaesthetic and feedback is that it is very gentle treatment .
You maybe surprised how much more comfortable a stable and secure plate can be. You maybe surprised at how affordable such treatment can be.
Due to the great benefits achieved, this procedure is now considered the standard of care and simple full dentures can be modified readily for those interested.
A straight forwards dental check up examination can help determine the suitability of this treatment for you.
3D X-rays
The standard OPG radiograph and other small radiography views taken have limitations on the details then can see.
This limitation led to the development of the 3D x-ray which can show unprecedented detail of teeth, jaws and supporting structures.
This facility is available at NHD and provides a very high level of diagnostic ability. It is most useful for the following situations:
• Root canal treatment planning and review
• TMJ jaw joint bony pathology
• Sleep disturbed breathing airway assessment
• Gum disease (periodontitis), extent of bone damage and loss in each area of the mouth
• Wisdom teeth that are in difficult positions and impacted close to nerves
• Other unerupted or missing teeth sites to assess
To achieve a healthy mouth that sparkles and contributes to general health and well-being preventive measures on a daily basis are essential.
The Indian system of medicine termed Ayurveda, which means science of healthy living, has a strong tradition of prescribing a daily routine that includes brushing teeth, cleaning between teeth, tongue scraping( or cleaning), “oil pulling” , using specific techniques either gandusha(“held”) or kavala graha( “Swished”). Also a healthy diet and lifestyle are essential to good general and oral health.
To assist in great oral health, there are a range of natural products for brushing, teeth, rinsing the mouth, and other oral hygiene measures on a daily basis.
There are many herbal medicines and minerals for managing gum (periodontal) problems, including for gingivitis and other mucosal conditions such as mouth ulcers.
Dental infections can be managed with adjunctive treatment to support the immune system and healing responses of the body, with a range of Ayurvedic treatments.
Any inflammations and discomforts can be helped with natural Ayurvedic herbal medicines and techniques.
For stress relief a range of Ayurvedic techniques and treatments, including Ayurvedic specialised massage with therapeutic oils, termed Abhyanga and marma point massage (marma points are the equivalent of acupuncture points in the Ayurvedic system of medicine).
Another most relaxing treatment is shirodhara, where warm therapeutic oil is flowed over the head to achieve profound relaxation and a sense of well-being.
As Dr. Stringer is also a qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner, a separate Ayurvedic Practice, known as “Ayurveda Healthy Living Port Douglas “has facilities to provide a wide range of treatments as described by following this link.
Being a dual qualified Dentist and Ayurvedic practitioner provides a unique combination of skills that provides a comprehensive and natural approach to oral health care as part of general health and well-being.
Many travel from Cairns, the Tablelands and further afield, to benefit from the New Horizons Dental team care and enjoy the Dental Practice that is often mistaken for day Spa due to the relaxed ambience in a tropical setting. Appointments are available weekdays and also Saturday mornings by appointment.
For more information about New Horizons Dental please ring 4099 3232.
At New Horizons Dental, we believe that providing information to you so that you can better look after yourself is the key to effective preventive dentistry.
This is most important related to healthy gums. If unhealthy gums persist (periodontitis) then it risks effecting general health and to a serious degree.
There are many dietary items and suggestions that will enhance the health of the gums.
There are nutritional supplements, herbs and probiotics that have been documented to help gum health.
Jaw joint clicking and breakdown can aggravate headaches.
The imbalances in the way the teeth bite together effects the jaw posture and function and aggravates sleep disorders.
There are a number of jaw muscle exercises and other steps that can be done at home to stabilize and improve TMJ health and reduced headaches.
These are only a small sample of the range of education in oral health issues that can be provided at consultations.
Emergency Dental
We know dental emergencies don’t often wait for the normal 9 to 5 Business hours. If you are experiencing any type of dental emergency please ring the Practice number and follow the prompts whilst being transferred to our after hours dentist.
If a tooth is knocked out of the mouth completely, then on the spot first aid can save the tooth. Make sure the tooth is found, then hold it only by the crown, not the root.
If it is dirty, a gentle wash under water is okay, but only for a few seconds. Too much can damage the cells.
If the tooth can be lined up the correct way then it can be pushed back into place in the socket. If this is not possible then the tooth can be stored either in milk, contact lens solution, or even in the space of the mouth between the tooth and the cheek.
It is essential to get to a dentist as soon as possible. If the tooth is stored okay and the tooth is replanted within 1 to 2 hours then there is a good chance of success of the tooth taking back into place.
If there is any swelling of the face or jaws related to tooth aches or infections then it is very important to seek help form a dentist urgently. The swelling usually indicates spreading infection and there have been serious complications for those that ignore the message from the body.