Dental Health on display at Child Expo this Saturday.
For the young and parents it is an exciting time noting the milestones of teeth eruption. The time the first tooth erupted excites everyone in the family.
Healthy teeth are vital for long term positive dental and general health. Thus establishing regular and effective cleaning routines healthy foods and eating patterns are essential.
Regular dental visits can start from 1 year of age, as advised by many Pediatric Associations. The dentist can provide and introduction to the dental surgery and chat with the family about these vital early stages and answer any questions about dental home-care , healthy foods, and others.
The Australian Child Dental Benefits Scheme( Website Direct Link for CDBS details) is available for children age 2 to 17 years. At New Horizons Dental( link to our Notes about Childrens’ Dentistry) we Bulk Bill children that are eligible , so there are no out of pocket expenses for childrens’ dental care.
This Saturday 22nd June 2019 New Horizons Dental has a stall at the Petit Learning ( Petit Learning Port Douglas Home Page) Child Expo. in Port Douglas. A great opportunity to spread the message of good dental health for good general health.